Looking to let go of the struggle in your mind?

Take the first step now and let us help you find the way forward.

Mental health support that’s right for you.

We work with people facing mild to moderate mental health challenges such as stress, anxiety, depression, overthinking, low self-esteem, and overwhelm. Through a science-based approach, we offer tools to guide you on a journey of healing.

Together, with ongoing support we'll identify your path forward, creating a route to wellness and strength.

“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Francis of Assisi

Book your Discovery Call with me today.

New to the concept of Mental Health Coaching?

It will come as no surprise to you that as a nation we are struggling with our mental health. In New Zealand, accessing the support we need can be challenging.

Mental health coaching empowers individuals to take control of their mental wellbeing and equips them with the necessary tools to navigate life's ups and downs.

Our mission as certified Mental Health Coaches is to intervene early and prioritise personalised lifestyle changes that empower individuals to enhance their mental health and overall wellbeing.

As PREKURE certified Mental Health Coaches, we are trained in five key areas to help support people with mental health challenges and those wanting to maintain good mental health:

  1. A coach approach – We are trained to listen, hold space, be curious and allow the person to talk. We meet the client where they are at, and where they would like to be in the future.

  2. Lifestyle medicine – Nutrition, sleep, movement, connection, breathing, cold water therapy, temperature.

  3. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – A new wave, or third wave of behavioural therapy that supports clients to live the life they want to live).

  4. Any care given is done through the lens of a trauma-informed model – Understanding what has happened in our clients lives, rather than asking ‘what is wrong’ with our client.

  5. Substance misuse, alcohol & addictions – Moving from what has largely been a disease model of care, to one that focuses on neuroplasticity (accepting that the brain can change, giving more hope for the future).

Session options

In-Person Sessions

For those who prefer face-to-face meetings, you're welcome to join me at my cosy clinic, "The Tiny Nest," located just outside of Palmerston North at 422 Kairanga Bunnythorpe Road.

Virtual Meetings

Alternatively, we can set up virtual coaching sessions via Zoom. This option offers flexibility and convenience, allowing you to connect from the comfort of your home or workspace.

"Walk and Talk" Sessions

If you enjoy a change of scenery and some fresh air, we can take our coaching sessions outdoors. We can head to the nearby esplanade, allowing us to combine coaching with gentle exercise and the rejuvenating effects of nature.

To book

  • Individuals

    Start your journey with a free consultation.

  • Businesses or groups

    Learn how to build wellbeing in your team.